Progress Meter

Arica Travis: Book 1

4074 / 40000 words. 10% done!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Church of Raw Is Live!

This one went around the block a few times, but it's finally out in Thuggish Itch: Scientific:

Turns out I did have a couple of other pubs (in the pre-hiatus hiatus...) which I've added to the Biblio page, so check them out.

Monday, April 16, 2018


Just wanted to take a minute and draw attention to how long it's been since I posted anything. And no, I haven't published much in the interim. I think I had one additional publication, but I'll have to go check now to make sure. It's been a while.

However -- I have managed to keep submitting to Writers of the Future each quarter, and I got another Honorable Mention today. So that's why I'm here. Hopefully I'll be back before another two years pass.